Friday, June 8, 2012


So I am sitting here listening to the radio. I love the radio,  you don't have to make a decision about what you want to listen to. I hate making decisions, stresses me out, SO MUCH! Probably why I love the older times 30s and older. hmmm, so I have no clue what I am going to write about. Everyone has been telling me to write regularly, even the "randomest" things (after all, what English Major goes days, weeks, months) without writing something?) Anyways, so I guess this is going to be a "HEY GUYS I'M BACK" post. So much has happened in the past two years, will be giving updates, well as honest and open as I can be. My friends know I talk ALOT without actually saying anything about what  or how I feel. So you all are going to be my sounding board/therapist.

I am thinking about changing the name of the blog to 22 unaccomplished and living on Parents. lol. I am not sure how many people are going to read this since I have been gone for so long, but I will write anyway. I find when I start writing, Things I didn't even think i was thinking starts flowing out. Ok, this is a long enough "HEY GUYS I'M BACK" post. I look forward to all the random thoughts that are going to flow from my head. Trust  me there are lots of random things jumbling around my head. OK BYE.

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