Thursday, April 15, 2010


Okay so I haven't written in a long time... I am almost certain I have lost all my followers. Sorry, I have just been in a writing bind. But today I got a mail and there was a contest where I have to write a poem including ten words and it inspired me,because I have been looking for words and a way to describe the way I have been feeling the whole year. Well this is it... yes I know it is somehow depressing, but most of my writings including my poetry is. so try to enjoy it and please DO NOT PITY.

P.S I have to also thank Tomi aka Imoteda because her last blog inspired me to write how I truly felt, without trying to sugar coat it or euphemise (i know it is not a word) it.


The child is in a ball on the floor
Thinking of the quickest way to escape
She can hear their voices,
A voice definitely a woman is whispering between loud sobs
The other a man's is pounding on every stretch of her skin in confusion

In the darkness she cannot see their faces
But she knows the voices
If only she could dig up the faces from memories so tightly away

But she cannot,
That would be stirring the still clay pot of emotions
It would be destroying everything she worked so hard to build
But it is already falling apart,
The villagers are beginning to notice the cracks of the outside of the pot

In the race of time, daylight is winning.
The few hours before dawn is her only chance to decide.
The drugs are right in front of her, but the woman is sobbing louder.
She cannot concentrate
She is willing the woman to shut up, begging her
But even with her thoughts racing and yelling her scream stands out.
It is distinct.

Please let me go and don't cry for me
Don't let the morning dew blanket everything I have worked so hard to create
It will only signal the coming of the sun
Drying away all my beliefs of a perfect us
Please don't let the sun rise
I do not want to see their faces
Please allow this child's fantasy to become immortal.

Don't try to interpret this poem please. I hate it when people try to guess what it means to me. just leave it as it speaks to you.