Monday, December 14, 2009


But I am not okay!
I am dying!
No one can see my insides shriveling up
Even I cannot save myself

I do not know how to cry so i Sing
I cannot scream so i WHISPER.
but can you not hear the weeping in my song
Can you not hear my shouts in my whisper.

I have let in close enough to hear me cry the tears even I cannot cry
I have let you so close the hear my heart scream.

NO I am not okay!
I am dying,
You are too blind to see me suffer,
You are too deaf to hear me scream.
And I am standing outside myself, unable to help me.

I am dying but that is not why I am afraid.
I fear that I may one day be able to cry and never be able to stop.
I may be able to scream and scream I shall without end
And when I do you still will not hear me.