Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Hello my Favourite people, I know I promised to blog a long time ago but I have been having writier's block for ever. while before forever began I did write a blog by she who knows herself deleted it- by mistake- and my brain went on hibernate. but I am back! YAY!!!!

Ok I am going to answer HRM's question first before I write what i really really really want to write.

Can someone love and hate the same person at the same time? YES YES YES. Today I will give understandable and some not-easily-understandable instances.

1. So I was sitting with my friends in a hospital some days ago and we were talking about life in general and our interpretation of situations. One of the girls concluded that I was depressed because she thought I was too pessimistic- some of you may already know that I have a very wild imagination that tends to go the dark side of the road. I digress, anyways my close friend came with a counter argument, pointing out that what if I really wasn't depressed, but very realistic and I said things people tried to ignore. What does this have to do with the first instance? Well, every time I find myself REALLY liking (really being the key word)I see all the things that WILL go wrong because I like him. He might not like me that way, what if he is leading me on just for fun, what if he only dates me out of pity. Many people who have seen me in this state know that I start talking bout how we are going to break up and my reaction to finding him with another girl, my reaction to hearing he is cheating, what I would do if he ever hits me. Mind you while I am thinking about these scenarios I still REALLY like him but I also hate him for what I know he is going to do to me.

2. With every single person, when you REALLY like someone you find yourself doing things you wouldn't usually do. Even guys make so many sacrifices, that they would be ashamed of telling their buddies about, for their girl. And because these things are things that you are "supposed to do" for you spouse sometimes the other half of this relationship tends to forget to be grateful and you hate them for not noticing. Sometimes you find yourself doing more just so that they would notice, but even when they do they neglect to say thank you. Trust me you still feel for this person, if you didn't you'd have been out of the relationship a long time ago.

3. I think every one has been through a phase when you like someone SO MUCH that you start to hate yourself. Especially if the love is not returned. You see them do things that would normally turn you off, but you make excuses for them and sometimes blame yourself for it. When this begins to happen you start to hate this person for making you so weak, but you still can't help feeling that tingle every time you see them. And every time you send them a text, you check every second to see if they have responded, and you check for Facebook updates, even when you are going next door you put on make-up or you wear your best Nikes in case you see them, even though they are cities away from you.

I will say toddles after the next sentences. There are only two differences between love and hate. first is the fact that in love you hurt the receiver without intending to and in hate you intend to hurt. Secondly, In love you hurt yourself intentionally just cause it seems right and in hate the only right thing is hurting the other person. in both emotions, you become almost obsessed with the other half. you want to find out what makes them tick so you can get to them. you always want to be around. both are so powerful and leave a mark on both participants. Sometimes physically sometimes emotionally, sometimes mentally. Sometimes you find yourself standing on that thin line that differentiates both powerful emotions. After, the ups and downs some people choose the road less traveled and hurt just to make the other person happy, some people make themselves happy by hurting the other person, and only a handful choose to walk away and even when they do they carry an eon of one or both passions. Those who walk away unless they meet the former half never fully discard of this emotion because they are never really confronted with it's presence.


Anonymous said...

omg...its so true..i love it!

happybunnyfreak said...

i would like to dedicate a song to this post.
i hate that i love you-neyo and rihanna..lol..

in other words..definately...i totalie agree with ertin mentioned...

HRM said...

you are awesome...thanks
i appreciate the response

i totally agree with everything...EVERYTHING!

ladies and gentlemen...
meet my therapist!


kommytila said...

tears tears sniff sniff.
i love.
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